Susan: “What do you do if you miss your ex?”
Betty: “ Reload.”
The dangers of too much of an ex ex-tends to exfoliation. While a robust rub is not so nasty to your face at age 24, by age 50 it can be quite counterproductive to skincare. Like pizza and Charlie Sheen, taken in small doses, skin scrubbing can be OK but too much or too vigorous may actually be harmful and cause inflammation and dryness. Inflamed and irritated facial skin is more difficult to recover from as the skin ages.
Exfoliation can help remove dead skin cells, of course, but too much scrubbing can wound your face. While you may feel you need aggressive dermabrasion using lava rocks from Western Samoa, it is far better to use a consistent but light touch. As you age, your skin is more sensitive, thinner and takes longer to heal from an assault. So stop assaulting it and use a kinder gentler approach. Find a lighter exfoliant and, in fact, toners might even be a softer way to remove dead skin cells as you age.
You want your skin to be soft and silky, especially for the next time you run into your ex, even if with… a Buick.